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School Meals

Click here to download our Autumn Term Menu 2024

School meals are cooked on the premises and are available at a moderate cost but free for those children in KS1. They are nourishing and wholesome and consist of a main course, a pudding or fruit and a drink of water or milk. Meals can be paid for using Parent Pay. Please contact the School Administrator for further details. 

The school operates a three-week rolling menu, which is sent home each term – this enables parents to select a school meal or packed lunch from home appropriate for their child. Parents are encouraged to see for themselves what their children are eating and parents’ meals are easily arranged.

Children may bring packed lunches as an alternative but please ensure that the lunch box is clearly labelled with his/her name. All drinks must be in a shatterproof container (no fizzy drinks please). We ask you to ensure that the packed lunch contains only one chocolate bar and is as healthy as possible (no sweets). Alternatively, your child may come home to eat. Children are able to bring fruit for morning break. This is provided for reception, Y1 and Y2 children as part of a national fruit and vegetable scheme.

Midday supervision is carried out by Teaching Assistants. They are responsible, under the supervision of the Headteacher, for caring for the children staying for lunch. Members of staff are always available if necessary.

Our school meals follow a healthy-eating policy, with 75% of food produced daily in the school kitchen. We provide:

  • Red tractor approved fresh meat and poultry
  • Free-range eggs and sustainably caught fish
  • A menu that is fully compliant to the School Food Standards
  • Fruit and vegetables sourced regionally where possible using local suppliers to promote local businesses and reduce our carbon footprint
  • Products free from additives associated with health problems in young children
  • A menu that is nutritionally analysed,  as well as being checked by a registered nutritionist
  • Information and menu guidance on any specific dietary requirements and staff or pupils may have
  • Fats free from hydrogenated oils
  • Menus that are nutritionally balanced

NYES Catering hold the food for life accreditation which recognises that we are committed to serving fresh, healthy and sustainable meals using local food producers.

NYES Catering are also the current holders of the Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE) award for Best Service Team. The APSE awards recognise the very best in public services, receiving nominations from across the UK.


Free School Meals

Free school meals are available to children whose parents are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

  • income support
  • income-based job seeker’s allowance
  • income-related employment and support allowance
  • child tax credit with an income of less than £16,190 and not in receipt of working tax credit
  • support under part VI of the immigration and asylum act 1999
  • guarantee element of state pension credit.

Where parents are entitled to working tax credit during a four week “run on” period immediately after their employment has ceased, or after they have started to work less than 16 hours per week, their children are entitled to free school meals.

Children who receive income support or income based jobseeker’s allowance in their own right are also entitled to free school meals. Free school meal guidance.

Should you meet the above criteria, you can apply by using the application form in the useful downloads section.

Applications are usually processed the same day. If your child is entitled to free school meals you will receive a letter confirming the date when the meals will start. The school is also notified that your child is entitled to free school meals. In the meantime, you should continue to pay for free school meals until confirmation comes through. Schools may be able to arrange a reimbursement of any monies paid whilst your entitlement is being confirmed.

If you are not entitled to free school meals you will be notified in writing.

Further Information provided by North Yorkshire County Council