Alanbrooke Academy is part of the Elevate Multi Academy Trust, who are the admissions authority. However, our admission arrangements are managed by North Yorkshire County Council in line with the School Admissions Code and Fairness Access Protocols. This applies to places when children would normally start school (the Reception Year) and to children who may join our academy after this time (for example, as the result of a house move). Please contact for more information on admissions.
Published Admissions Number
Our PAN (Published Admissions Number) which is the maximum number the Academy may admit to a single year group is: 15
Published Admission number for 2024-2025: 21
Admissions arrangements can be found at: School admissions | North Yorkshire Council
Admissions Policy
The academy has adopted the local authority’s policy for admissions and applications.
Any parent wishing to consider Alanbrooke Academy for their child may contact the academy for an appointment to look around.
All admissions enquirers need to be processed through admissions at North Yorkshire Council where you will find the following:
1 . Admission Policies for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary and Secondary Schools;
2 . Admission Policy for Nursery Schools and schools with nursery or pre-reception classes;
3 . Co-ordinated Admission Arrangements;
4 . In-Year Fair Access Protocol; and
5 . Published Admission Numbers.
Admissions Timetable
From 12 October 2024, you can apply for a school place for children born between:
- 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018
- 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021
15 January 2025: is the closing date for online and paper applications. The closing date for providing evidence of exceptional social or medical reasons is also 15 January 2025.
18 February 2025: No changes can be made to applications before National Offer Day after 18 February 2025.
16 April 2025 is National Offer Day for primary and junior schools. If you applied online, you can log in to our admissions portal to see your offered school place. You will also get an email during office hours telling you about your offered place. If you made a paper application, you should get a letter telling you about your offered school place.
From 1 May 2025 onwards, we will consider any late applications or requests for changes to applications that we have not already processed.
If you want to appeal for a primary or junior school place, you need to submit your appeal by 20 May 2025.
Main primary and junior school admission appeals will be heard from June to July 2025.
All the waiting lists NYC hold will end on 31 December 2025.
Admission Appeals Timetable
Currently North Yorkshire County Council are overseeing Admissions Appeals for Elevate’s academies.
Please go to: Appeal for a school place | North Yorkshire Council
Applying for an in-year place
An in-year application can be made at any time of the year. You can only apply up to a term in advance of the date you want the school place. The online form will only allow you to apply for the year group your child should be in according to your child's date of birth. North Yorkshire will start working on applications around six weeks prior to your requested start date and our aim to process applications within 20 school days after that. However, if you apply very early, this may not apply as we can only start processing applications towards the end of term, as follows:
For further information please refer to our admissions policy.